Original Source: [Girls Channel]
Pictures That Look Like It’s Your Boyfriend If It Is Your Screen Wallpaper.
1. Anon 2019/04/06 15:11:17
Please post candid pictures that look like he’s your boyfriend if you made it your screen wallpaper.
Let’s start with Kubota Masataka♪
2. Anon 2019/04/06 15:12:34
3. Anon 2019/04/06 15:12:53
Nakamura Tomoya
5. Anon 2019/04/06 15:13:09
I only see celebs as only celebs (laugh)
6. Anon 2019/04/06 15:13:46
9. Anon 2019/04/06 15:15:19
10. Anon 2019/04/06 15:15:47
11. Anon 2019/04/06 15:16:02
Good morningー♥
13. Anon 2019/04/06 15:17:11
14. Anon 2019/04/06 15:17:16
23. Anon 2019/04/06 15:26:03
26. Anon 2019/04/06 15:28:30
27. Anon 2019/04/06 15:29:15
30. Anon 2019/04/06 15:29:47
My boyfriend who was waiting for me looking all tacky.
39. Anon 2019/04/06 15:34:23
40. Anon 2019/04/06 15:35:13
This is for people who like Koreans!
41. Anon 2019/04/06 15:39:13
42. Anon 2019/04/06 15:39:31
Let's go to the convenient store
48. Anon 2019/04/06 15:46:50
49. Anon 2019/04/06 15:47:22
He is my boyfriend who I am living together.
66. Anon 2019/04/06 16:21:04
67. Anon 2019/04/06 16:22:24
“You don't seem okay?"
He looks like he'll mess your hair—
70. Anon 2019/04/06 16:24:38
Yoshizawa Ryo
72. Anon 2019/04/06 16:27:12
I am eating here, don't take pics~
76. Anon 2019/04/06 16:30:21
My boyfriend, he's a doctor-r.
He is sleeping now because he is tired. So cute.
80. Anon 2019/04/06 16:37:55
My boyfriend’s occupation is being a falconer.
99. Anon 2019/04/06 17:54:50
Kitamura Kazuki
103. Anon 2019/04/06 19:14:13
106. Anon 2019/04/06 19:31:39
His hair might be pink, but my BF is really gentle.
107. Anon 2019/04/06 19:33:36
He is not my boyfriend, he's a Senpai I admire.
108. Anon 2019/04/06 19:37:03
My boyfriend with whom I am in the middle of having an office romance❤️
110. Anon 2019/04/06 19:52:09 [通報
He's tutoring me.
114. Anon 2019/04/06 20:03:35 [通報
I took this secretly♡
116. Anon 2019/04/06 20:09:46 [通報
Isn't my boyfriend the cutest~
117. Anon 2019/04/06 20:10:35
Quick pic from where he was waiting for me.
118. Anon 2019/04/06 20:12:25
120. Anon 2019/04/06 20:13:44
Sakaguchi Kentarou gives off so much boyfriend material vibes lol
124. Anon 2019/04/06 20:24:10
My BF(right) and his pal.
128. Anon 2019/04/06 20:31:34
“We are gonna pull an all nighter studying!"
130. Anon 2019/04/06 20:45:15
Stop~ don't take a picture (sweats)
131. Anon 2019/04/06 20:46:35
“It's bitter..."
132. Anon 2019/04/06 20:47:14
“What shall we order?"
133. Anon 2019/04/06 20:47:38
“Isn't it tasty!"
136. Anon 2019/04/06 20:58:58
I miss Kuroiwa-kun💗
143. Anon 2019/04/06 21:07:03
OP, do you also like Kubota-kun? I loved this pic so I'll leave it here ♬︎♡
145. Anon 2019/04/06 21:09:18
Kubota-kun and doggo( ¨̮ )︎︎
147. Anon 2019/04/06 21:10:24
Kuroiwa-kun and doggo
153. Anon 2019/04/06 21:35:18
We came to see the night game.
156. Anon 2019/04/06 21:37:20
My BF is cuter than me lol
157. Anon 2019/04/06 21:42:39
His pal and my BF
166. Anon 2019/04/06 22:27:06
He has woken up and now he is just staring blankly…
168. Anon 2019/04/06 22:48:28
The best café date
169. Anon 2019/04/06 22:56:06
His smile is adorbs
170. Anon 2019/04/06 22:56:37
He is the basketball team captain
188. Anon 2019/04/06 23:46:55
"Hm? Come quickly”
202. Anon 2019/04/07 00:19:26
He’s so cute blowing it to cool it
223. Anon 2019/04/07 04:42:31
For real, why is Sakaguchi Kentaro giving so much BF vibes? lol.
He is a rare ikemen who also have good style, and yet he feels like he’s right beside everyone…😄
231. Anon 2019/04/07 08:06:40
Yoshizawa Ryo.
232. Anon 2019/04/07 08:07:31
For no reason I like this face
233. Anon 2019/04/07 08:08:09
Sakaguchi Kentaro