Original Source: [Girls Channel]
1. Anon 2020/05/11 14:46:10
Unexpectedly there were negative responses on Twitter and other places, when talking about the rebroadcast:
“I thought I was the only one thinking that KoiTsuzu was disgusting.”
“What happened to those people who were all kyaa-kyaa about KoiTsuzu? are you guys for real? was I the weird one when I generally thought that it was shudderingly disgusting?”
“KoiTsuzu is disgusting in a lot of ways, so please stop showing promos of it so many times.”
“Am I the only one who think KoiTsuzu was revolting? and why is Satoh Takeru's eyes are always half-open?”
“KoiTsuzu is so gross, ah it is so not my thing...”
and so on.
2. Anon 2020/05/11 14:47:07
I'm so not watching the rebroadcast.
89. Anon 2020/05/11 14:55:18
Why are they rebroadcasting it so soon?
I want to see more older dramas.
Dramas like HanaKimi or HanaDan or even older ones.
732. Anon 2020/05/11 17:56:50
Even I didn't watch the rebroadcast, but I did watch it the first time live.
I always thought to myself "These characters are so weird and not interesting, so why are everyone going kyaa-kyaa over this, such idiots" but continued to watch it thinking Satoh Takeru is so handsome!
3. Anon 2020/05/11 14:47:18
Is it really... heart-fluttering? (T/N: mune-kyun)
173. Anon 2020/05/11 15:09:05
Nope, more like heartburning.
4. Anon 2020/05/11 14:47:28
If you hate it so much simply don't watch it LMAO
1240. Anon 2020/05/11 23:15:36
>>2 >>3 >>4
The heroine is beyond uggo.
5. Anon 2020/05/11 14:47:31
The shipping fans who are saying things like "Take-Mone" are gross.
466. Anon 2020/05/11 16:18:44
There are people who call Suda Masaki and Komatsu Nana as Suda-Nana... so eww.
919. Anon 2020/05/11 19:35:42
I really can't stand shipping nerds.
MaoJun fans or SudaNana fans.
6. Anon 2020/05/11 14:47:31
When I saw Satoh Takeru, I felt the same as seeing Oshio Manabu.
I think this guy's also gonna get a bad reputation in his private life.
25. Anon 2020/05/11 14:48:47
He is a philanderer and he has a bad personality, so yeah I think he'd do something bad.
72. Anon 2020/05/11 14:53:16
When he had an affair with Hirosue Ryoko, his value plummeted.
102. Anon 2020/05/11 14:57:00
What are you saying "he's gonna" he already have a bad reputation.
126. Anon 2020/05/11 15:00:02
Satoh Takeru's smile never reaches his eyes.
148. Anon 2020/05/11 15:03:49
He looks so coldhearted, so I never liked him.
752. Anon 2020/05/11 18:07:32
I loved him and that feeling he gave in the movie "NaniMono".
So I think he matches those kind of roles more than rom-coms.
7. Anon 2020/05/11 14:47:33
I never watched it LOL
8. Anon 2020/05/11 14:47:39
Watching it just once makes your belly full.
10. Anon 2020/05/11 14:47:39
Can't someone write a sincere romantic drama without any comedy?
While you are at it, make it a heart-breaking one.
11. Anon 2020/05/11 14:47:46
What is so fun about KoiTsuzu ?
I really want them to stop with those gross promos.
12. Anon 2020/05/11 14:47:46
For real it is gross.
The Heroine and even Satoh Takeru.
His value went down.
13. Anon 2020/05/11 14:47:47
There isn't enough content in it, so no repeat-watch value.
14. Anon 2020/05/11 14:47:49
My husband said “Scaaarryyiiii— —! that's just a stalker”
while watching that back-hug episode.
15. Anon 2020/05/11 14:47:49
Watching it depends on whether you love Satoh Takeru or hate him.
17. Anon 2020/05/11 14:48:13
I never watched it, and I couldn't understand why it was so popular amongst people.
18. Anon 2020/05/11 14:48:23
So finally everyone came to their senses.
19. Anon 2020/05/11 14:48:28
I just couldn't accept no matter what, that the heroine was suuuuuuch an obaa-chan.
106. Anon 2020/05/11 14:57:28
I went through a lot trying to watch it.
I really wanted to watch it as I recorded it, but I just couldn't bear watching it each week.
259. Anon 2020/05/11 15:23:32
No matter how hard I tried, she didn't look cute enough to me and that was a problem.
It was lethal as it was a rom-com.
463. Anon 2020/05/11 16:17:45
She looked nothing but a weird girl who's trying to get together with an ikemen, and I didn't understand why she was so loved by everyone, but since the main protagonist was such a good character, I thought that was why she was loved... so I continued watching it while tolerating everything.
But watching the middle of it was frustrating because they conveniently used the main protagonist to drive the plot.
22. Anon 2020/05/11 14:48:38
It was unpleasant all along, so I don't know the reason why it was so popular.
22. Anon 2020/05/11 14:48:38
So finally, welcome back to reality, everyone.
26. Anon 2020/05/11 14:48:50
It is a drama when you watch it alone it makes you feel so embarrassed by it.
I wanna watch it with friends while poking fun at it.
27. Anon 2020/05/11 14:48:57
It looks like the magic has worn off.
28. Anon 2020/05/11 14:49:04
Even the drama name is disgusting. (T/N: Love Will Last No Matter What)
29. Anon 2020/05/11 14:49:08
"Mwah... this is a medical treatment"
71. Anon 2020/05/11 14:53:12
Eee~www !
269. Anon 2020/05/11 15:25:11
Gross! Even my goosebumps are gross.
So I am feeling twice the gross!
Why do they do things like these in 3D? (T/N: 3D, as in real life.)
389. Anon 2020/05/11 15:57:12
Ha ha ha ! Gross😄
I didn't watch the drama, so is this an inside joke?
... I thought that until I saw the comments,
So wha? this wasn't a joke? (retreats in disbelief.)
395. Anon 2020/05/11 15:58:41
I got goosebumps, this was disgusting.
529. Anon 2020/05/11 16:36:02
Staahhppp itt!!
668. Anon 2020/05/11 17:30:04
This was fine since it was said by Satoh Takeru,
if an ordinary guy said this, he would get arrested.
682. Anon 2020/05/11 17:36:36
945. Anon 2020/05/11 19:52:15
Since this was a manga it was fun reading it,
but when it became a live action something was amiss, and it just became disgusting
... that's all I can think.
33. Anon 2020/05/11 14:49:22
I lol'd hard at "Satoh Takeru's half-open eyes" lolol
35. Anon 2020/05/11 14:49:34
"Why is Satoh Takeru's eyes always half-open?"
For real I think he didn't sleep much shooting KoiTsuzu,
that's why he's got that half-open eyes in a lot of scenes.