Japanese Netizens on Korean Drama Clichés!

 Original Source [Girls Channel]:

Common Korean Drama Clichés. 



1. Anon 2018/01/14 15:09:21


So damn busy fighting and crying.







2. Anon 2018/01/14 15:09:42


Endless quarrelling!






3. Anon 2018/01/14 15:09:45


Instant amnesia.






5. Anon 2018/01/14 15:09:57


Someone definitely dies.






6. Anon 2018/01/14 15:10:06


The heroine dies because of some illness.






7. Anon 2018/01/14 15:10:16


A romance arises from the difference of class.






8. Anon 2018/01/14 15:10:22 ID:dIlq9prjOA


A son from a distinguished family.






9. Anon 2018/01/14 15:10:26


Dies from an incurable disease or car accident.

But is actually alive having lost his memory.






10. Anon 2018/01/14 15:10:32


The cast is full of faces giving off uncanny-valley vibes.







14. Anon 2018/01/14 15:10:49


The person you fall in love is probably your sibling.






15. Anon 2018/01/14 15:10:50


When calling someone by their name;

Uses full name.






17. Anon 2018/01/14 15:10:52


The level of anger always equals to nothing but full blown hysteria.

“Hwabyeong” [A repressed anger syndrome specific to Korea wiki]






18. Anon 2018/01/14 15:10:55


Jokes are so damn lame.






20. Anon 2018/01/14 15:11:00


The OST is painful.






21. Anon 2018/01/14 15:11:02


The 2nd female lead has a terrible personality.






24. Anon 2018/01/14 15:11:36









27. Anon 2018/01/14 15:11:59


Festival of Hwabyeong [wiki]







31. Anon 2018/01/14 15:12:22


Work is secondary.






32. Anon 2018/01/14 15:12:32


Even history is in the genre of fantasy.






33. Anon 2018/01/14 15:12:36


Always fainting.






34. Anon 2018/01/14 15:12:37


Eats instant ramen from the very pot it was cooked in.

Cue loud chewing noises.






35. Anon 2018/01/14 15:12:44


The theme songs sound the same.



…something like that.






38. Anon 2018/01/14 15:13:13


{1st Episode}

~Ending Scene~

“The female lead has completely changed her face with plastic surgery”.






40. Anon 2018/01/14 15:13:20


The acting style is too old school.






42. Anon 2018/01/14 15:13:25


For some reason in romantic scenes; the background setting is ‘kimchi making’.






43. Anon 2018/01/14 15:13:41


A rich guy with terrible personality is a must.






44. 2018/01/14 15:13:57


The female is strong-willed.

The male lead is calm.






52. Anon 2018/01/14 15:14:50 


Usually the chaebol son is a tsundere.






55. Anon 2018/01/14 15:15:05


The way they eat is filthy.






57. Anon 2018/01/14 15:15:09


Oppa = Older brother






61. Anon 2018/01/14 15:15:57 


When they are angry they say “Yaah!”






64. Anon 2018/01/14 15:16:23


The female lead will definitely fall in love with the brusque guy with the terrible personality;

Even though getting together with his rival would definitely make her happier.






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