J-Netizens on BTS Loosing Kouhaku and M-Station Appearances!



Original Source: [Girls Channel]

After the Atomic Bomb T-shirt, BTS is Removed from All the Year End Music Programs.


2. Anon 2018/11/10 08:01:45


Well isn't it obvious?




3. Anon 2018/11/10 08:01:59






6. Anon 2018/11/10 08:02:24


Don't treat Japan lightly.




7. Anon 2018/11/10 08:02:31






7. Anon 2018/11/10 08:02:31


On the contrary, I wonder how much they wanted to come...




10. Anon 2018/11/10 08:02:51


I am sorry.

I don't want to see you on TV, so do your best in your home country and America.

Please don't come to the country you hate so much for some money.




11. Anon 2018/11/10 08:02:56


What a bunch of weirdos.




14. Anon 2018/11/10 08:03:01


We don't need the Korean wave.




18. Anon 2018/11/10 08:03:33


Wha? they were going to appear on Kouhaku as well?

I don't even know their name?

Isn't that weird?




42. Anon 2018/11/10 08:06:18


The foreign bangtan fans are happy! lol

As BTS can spend all that time they aren’t active in Japan in all those other countries.  

Japanese fans can also try their best going overseas to support them to their heart’s content as they can’t see them on TV.

Fans are nothing but self-centered. LOL





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