J-Netizens on Kouhaku 2019 - Yonezu Kenshi, Suda Masaki and Arashi!



Original Source: [Chūnichi Sports via Yahoo!Japan-News] 

Foorin, Suda Masaki and Arashi... KouHaku is Yonezu Kenshi's Color.


70th NHK Kouhaku Uta Gassen 2019 and Yo nezu Kenshi’s collaborations. 


 ta2*****     |    14 Hours Ago


I think Yonezu-san is that old school artist who has both talent and ability.

People will say a lot of different things about this. But I am glad at least it wasn't with the AKB group.


 4270 |  766

 en     |    14 Hours Ago


It really shows Yonezu-san's character as how he is offering songs to others... But I personally would've liked to see his singing ability and his expressions of them. But I am looking forward to the Arashi song.


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 @Mcb〜     |    8 Hours Ago


He is a creator.

He can paint and design.

He can sing, he creates music.

I think he has so much talent.

His lyrics and how he plays with words too.

I wouldn't go far as to call him a savant but his abilities can't be imitated.


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 mag*****     |    8 Hours Ago


Didn't Suda Masaki say on radio how Yonezu Kenshi didn't like his own voice that much?


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 qgk*****     |    8 Hours Ago


His worth will go down if he collaborates with the likes of Arashi.


 28 |  21

 k_y*****     |    9 Hours Ago


After all this, they can continue Kouhaku with only enka singers.

Young people don't watch things like Kōhaku, and only old people look forward to it.

So don't try impressing young people and start making the program better for the older people who normally watch NHK in the first place.


 220 |  45

 zas****     |    8 Hours Ago


I wanted to see he himself sing, rather than offering songs to Johnny's.

I love his unique voice. And I am sorry fans, but he should've let people who are actually good at singing, sing the songs.


 105 |  9

 jun*****     |    3 Hours Ago


I just watched it. It isn't that Arashi is bad, but I just wanted to hear Yonezu Kenshi himself singing.


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 e-mail     |    2 Hours Ago


"Kite" was just great. Since Yonezu Kenshi's songs are genuine, I think it will be accepted by everyone.


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 イチ意見ですが。     |    6 Hours Ago


Since Arashi is breaking up, they should've sung their own hit song medley.

I like Yonezu Kenosha’s songs, so Suda Masaki was enough to satisfy me.


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