Original Source: [Girls Channel]
1. Anon 2020/01/05 21:41:31
I first saw him in the movie “A Gentle Breeze in the Village”
and I became a fan after becoming surprised and thinking to myself that “there are people who are this gorgeous and handsome!”
So people who love Okada Masaki, let’s talk!
2. Anon 2020/01/05 21:42:19
Can't something be done about his real life fashion taste and his taste in women?
5. Anon 2020/01/05 21:42:37
One fault is that he is friends with Ainori Momo.
6. Anon 2020/01/05 21:42:39
His personality is cute.
8. Anon 2020/01/05 21:42:45
Why was Ando Sakura was in Yutori Desu ga Nani ka?
9. Anon 2020/01/05 21:42:55
He is an ikemen.
10. Anon 2020/01/05 21:43:01
He was the greatest in Otomen.
12. Anon 2020/01/05 21:43:08
This guy has bad taste in women, choosing someone like Ainori Momo.

13. Anon 2020/01/05 21:43:18
They look alike.

19. Anon 2020/01/05 21:45:34
There was a guy who looked exactly like him in my neighborhood; whenever I got to see him I was so happy like good things are going to happen.
20. Anon 2020/01/05 21:46:48
The one who is getting wooed here is Yoshida Riko.

Okada: "Won’t you live with me?"
26. Anon 2020/01/05 21:49:34
I got to know about him in Jûryoku Piero (A Pierrot - 2009).
That character really matched him.

36. Anon 2020/01/05 21:53:36
The pics that trick you into thinking that OKada Masaki is your boyfriend when you set it to your lock screen.

37. Anon 2020/01/05 21:54:48
Yasashii (kind/gentle)

39. Anon 2020/01/05 21:55:10
His face shape is my favorite amongst actors.
His nose bridge and the line that runs from his chin to his neck are supreme.
His character though ... umm, ....
42. Anon 2020/01/05 21:57:08
He is an ikemen until he laughs, then uggo

44. Anon 2020/01/05 21:57:34
I was all kyun-kyun when I watched "Boku No Hatsu Koi"

46. Anon 2020/01/05 21:58:12
He is really good with villainy roles, he really matches with those frivolous bad guy roles.
I feel like it brings out the darkness that he himself doesn't know he has.
49. Anon 2020/01/05 21:59:53
I want to see him in a lead role in a drama soon

50. Anon 2020/01/05 22:02:04
He looks his best when he has his serious face on.