Original Source: [Girls Channel]
When you asked Yokohama Ryūsei to summarize 2019 in one word/kanji he answered「Challenge」.
So what is his kanji/word for 2020?
“I think it is『Learning』. I don’t want to forget that I am constantly learning, and I want to make my foundation much stronger. I want to face off with acting and gain competency. And I want to surprise everyone each and every time. Like I want people to say “I had this image of who Yokohama Ryūsei is, but he is also doing things like this!”. So for that I will keep learning!"
2. Anon 2020/01/03 15:11:29
How many of you can say your husband! boyfriend! is more handsomer than Yokohama Ryūsei?
3. Anon 2020/01/03 15:11:37
4. Anon 2020/01/03 15:11:41
The 1st pic is ikemen.
5. Anon 2020/01/03 15:11:50
His labour of not getting into a scandal.
He is an honorable student.
7. Anon 2020/01/03 15:12:14
His side profile is seriously beautiful!
9. Anon 2020/01/03 15:12:58
He was an unknown name before last year.
If you think about it, a well matched drama role is amazing!
14. Anon 2020/01/03 15:14:57
Japanese cloths really matches him
19. Anon 2020/01/03 15:16:48
This is the first time I thought he was beautiful.
He should show off his side profile more.
26. Anon 2020/01/03 15:24:32
I am looking forward to your drama ♫ (T/N: the drama is Shiro demo Kuro demonai Sekai de, Panda wa Warau)
Action scenes are gonna look cool! fo-sure.
36. Anon 2020/01/03 15:43:33
{T/N: Fukushi Sota’s scandal: https://netizooms.blogspot.com/2019/03/j-netizens-react-to-fukushi-sota-being.html }
40. Anon 2020/01/03 15:45:10
He is at the level that with only one scandal, he is over.

Original Source: [Girls Channel]
His hashtags included:
#I watched the first sunrise of the new year with friends
#I went to the shrine on new year with my family #My fortune telling slip said bad luck
#I will conduct myself with focus
3. Anon 2020/01/05 11:12:38
Even his friends seem to be proper.
5. Anon 2020/01/05 11:13:13
I don't know if it is the backlight, he looks like an ojisan.
6. Anon 2020/01/05 11:13:17
He ain't wearing the mask
7. Anon 2020/01/05 11:13:48
Even though his face is not well seen here, his feelings of happiness is reaching us.
9. Anon 2020/01/05 11:13:55
I bet his beard is thicc.
15. Anon 2020/01/05 11:15:30
I am not a fan, but I like how he spent new years with his non-celeb friends.
17. Anon 2020/01/05 11:15:52
Is his bag Dior?
20. Anon 2020/01/05 11:17:16
He looks a bit like a touristy obachan.
The Chinese kind.
28. Anon 2020/01/05 11:20:00
This pic to me is like "It must be great to be young."
I don't even have the physical strength to go out and see the first sunrise of the year.
30. Anon 2020/01/05 11:20:23
He was an ikemen when he was young and he still is an ikemen
33. Anon 2020/01/05 11:21:12
I think he got the bag after working with Dior?
He was wearing Dior in a award ceremony.
37. Anon 2020/01/05 11:23:49
Is this also Dior?
44. Anon 2020/01/05 11:26:21
I bet he is handsome if you were to see him IRL !
45. Anon 2020/01/05 11:27:18
It has a better impression than Fukushi Sota's wannabe "Waiting for flowers to bloom" Instagram.
48. Anon 2020/01/05 11:28:00
I think it has to do something as he was also wearing Dior in Men’s-non-no
50. Anon 2020/01/05 11:28:42
His face is pretty but I am concerned with his leg hair
52. Anon 2020/01/05 11:30:00
I like how he is not another wannabe 23 year old.
He also said that he wants to repay his fans through his instagram.
56. Anon 2020/01/05 11:31:28
So Fukushi Sota's hight is 183cm.
As expected he is stylish
59. Anon 2020/01/05 11:32:06
I am not a fan but I think Yokohama-kun is tacky LOL
Despite that I don't dislike him.