Original Source: [Girls Channel]
2. Anon 2020/04/01 18:06:32
So he ended up doing THAT.
3. Anon 2020/04/01 18:06:42
This guy.
Is complete trash.
4. Anon 2020/04/01 18:06:43
HuH ?
5. Anon 2020/04/01 18:06:48
You can't just laugh at this viciousness.
6. Anon 2020/04/01 18:06:49
This guy is good for nothing.
7. Anon 2020/04/01 18:06:50
I knew that there will be some guy who would do this. lol
8. Anon 2020/04/01 18:06:51
He has exposed his stupidness.
9. Anon 2020/04/01 18:06:53
An idiot with a bad personality, well he is finished.
10. Anon 2020/04/01 18:06:54
The WORST...
11. Anon 2020/04/01 18:06:57
What trash.
He did the thing that definitely should not be done at this time.
12. Anon 2020/04/01 18:06:58
Korean people do like their jokes to be offensive, don't they ...
13. Anon 2020/04/01 18:06:59
What an idiot.
14. Anon 2020/04/01 18:07:00
I am disgusted from the bottom of my heart.
The people who protect him are also ridiculous.
15. Anon 2020/04/01 18:07:05
I want him to stop his activities in Japan.
17. Anon 2020/04/01 18:07:05
Well this guy is OVER.
18. Anon 2020/04/01 18:07:10
Lying bas*ard.
I don't wanna see you anymore.
20. Anon 2020/04/01 18:07:12
I don't know him, but he is a DIMWIT ! !
21. Anon 2020/04/01 18:07:14
Jaejoong... I supported you, but this is not it.
24. Anon 2020/04/01 18:07:17
I can't laugh at it THIS year.
26. Anon 2020/04/01 18:07:20
I think he should get arrested for lying about anything related with Covid-19.
31. Anon 2020/04/01 18:07:29
He is a simple idiot.
32. Anon 2020/04/01 18:07:29
This shouldn't be let go as just a mere joke.
Yesterday he was live on TV; his costars and staff must have felt dread after hearing this.
33. Anon 2020/04/01 18:07:31
This is THE lie that shouldn't be made currently.
Couldn't he just think about the circumstances...
34. Anon 2020/04/01 18:07:31
He is beyond the level of being an idiot.
He probably don't have any normal common sense as a human being.
35. Anon 2020/04/01 18:07:32
Every single lie made as a joke shouldn't be forgiven just because it is April Fools'.
トイプードル | 1 Day Ago
Since it is April 1st,
I knew for sure that someone will definitely do a joke ...
But as one would expect, a coronavirus joke will do no good at THIS time.
26277 | 641
pcv***** | 1 Day Ago
Wha? Can't believe this happened!
Jaejoong was doing his best in Japan and I was also supporting him,
but I am surprised at this as he is a person with clout and stardom and yet he was still able to create a lie like this at THIS time.
I think he is over.... For real, he is loosing fans.
22842 | 1489
aki***** | 1 Day Ago
Yeah, well, he did this thing on his own.
I hope no Japanese entertainer will do something like this.
I hope there aren't any more people who can't put a distinction in good jokes and bad jokes.
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lad***** | 1 Day Ago
I think as a human being, this is something that shouldn't have been said.
Can't believe he was able to make a joke out of the Corona virus.
He did more than just make a joke; he actually posted it.
Jaejoong, thanks for the warning anyways.
I am also surprised at how many fans are here commenting.
If he is like that, his fans must be like him too.
As expected huh.
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veg***** | 1 Day Ago
I saw tweets since few days that people should not make Corona-virus jokes on April fools' day,
but this guy didn't even possess the decency or sense of not doing it.
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